1 Bring on your men to meet the foe,
Yea, come in strength divine;
For if ye in his strength will go
The triumph shall be thine.
Bring on your men, bring on your men,
Salvation’s banner wave;
Jehovah is our strength and shield,
He will the vict’ry give.
2 Bring on your men to heights untrod,
Assail the hosts of sin;
Bring on your men, O church of God,
And you the fight shall win. [Refrain]
3 Bring on your men, the truth proclaim,
With faith in God your shield,
And surely in Immanuel’s name
The battlements shall yield. [Refrain]
4 Bring on your men, and trust the Lord
To break all barriers down,
To give your faith a great reward,
The victor’s glorious crown. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #114