By early morning light, ere yet the day was bright

By early morning light, ere yet the day was bright

Author: Helen A. Dickinson (1917)
Published in 2 hymnals

Author: Helen A. Dickinson

Dickinson was the first wo­man to re­ceive a PhD from Hei­del­berg Un­i­ver­si­ty in Ger­ma­ny at a time when wo­men were not gen­er­al­ly wel­comed in gra­du­ate phil­o­so­phy class­es. She was a well known lyr­i­cist, trans­lat­or, and art his­tor­ian who fre­quent­ly lec­tured at Union Sem­in­ary in New York Ci­ty. She and her hus­band Clar­ence (or­gan­ist at New York Ci­ty’s Brick Pres­by­ter­i­an Church for half a cen­tu­ry), wrote hun­dreds of chor­ales and an­thems for church choirs. Dick­in­son’s works in­clude: Excursions in Mu­sic­al His­to­ry, 1917 Antiphons: A Col­lect­ion of Chor­al Res­pons­es or Short An­thems Ar­ranged with Scrip­tur­al Read­ing… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: By early morning light, ere yet the day was bright
Author: Helen A. Dickinson (1917)
Language: English



Instances (1 - 2 of 2)

The Chapel Hymnal #26

The Chapel Hymnal #26

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