1 Christian tell the gospel story,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
Now ascended high in glory,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
Tell of how He sought and found us,
Broke the chains of sin that bound us,
Threw His arms of love around us,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
For the tomb could not retain
Christ the Lamb for sinners slain,
High in glory once again,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
2 Tell how gracious is His pardon,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
How to bear our every burden,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
Tell of free and full salvation,
Rest from sin and condemnation,
Offered unto every nation,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives! [Refrain]
3 Now no more the thorn-crown wearing,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
Glory-crowned, His sceptre bearing,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
By His hands once torn and bleeding,
Still for rebel sinners pleading,
With the Father interceding,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives! [Refrain]
4 Soon the victors shall assemble,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
Hell’s foundations shake and tremble,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives!
See the morning light is breaking,
Earth with mortal pangs is quaking,
Nations from their slumbers waking,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives! [Refrain]
Source: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #97