1 Come and sit at Jesus’ feet,
Come and learn of him;
Words of comfort, pure and sweet,
Come and learn of him.
Learn of him, O toil-oppressed;
Lean thy head upon his breast;
He will give thee perfect rest,—
Come and learn of him
2 Take his yoke upon thee now,
Come and learn of him;
Ask, and he will teach thee how,
Come and learn of him. [Refrain]
3 How to trust for ev’ry day,
Come and learn of him;
How to watch, as well as pray,
Come and learn of him. [Refrain]
4 For his glory wouldst thou live?
Come and learn of him;
He the grace will freely give,
Come and learn of him. [Refrain]
Source: Joyful Sound: a collection of new hymns and music with familiar selections #87