1 Down from His throne my Savior came
To save my soul from sin’s dark shame;
He laid His glories all aside
That He might purge me of my pride;
And in the manger He was lain
That I eternal life might gain,
And thus He saved me from my woe;
For me the Christ-child stooped so low.
2 He stood condemned before the throngs,
His back was torn with cruel thongs,
And up Golgotha’s stony slope
he bore the cross to bring me hope;
With thorns they crowned that sacred head;
It was for me that Jesus bled,
For me the Son of God was slain
To rid my soul of each black stain.
3 Oh, tell me, Savior, can it be
That Thou didst suffer on the tree,
That Thou in agony didst die
To save a sinner, vile as I?
Amazing mercy, love so free,
Compels me, Lord, to yield to Thee;
Accept my sacrifice complete,
Here I surrender at Thy feet.
4 Thy precious blood, its cleansing pow’r
In me is proved this very hour;
I plunge within the fountain wide
That issues from Thy riven side,
And find that in this crimson flow
My sins are washed as white as snow;
I know I now am sanctified,
It was for this that Jesus died.
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #48