1 Far from the fold, how many sheep are straying,
Out on the mountains, desolate and bare;
Hungry and cold, with weary feet they wander
Far from the homeland and the Shepherd’s care.
O come, let us go and seek the lost one,
Wand’ring far on the mountains cold;
’Twill be sweet to say at the close of day,
“I have brought one sheep to the fold.”
2 Who’ll seek the lost? oh, who will follow Jesus,
On thro’ the night, nor heeding toil and pain?
Who for his sake will prove a servant faithful–
Bringing the wand’rer to the fold again? [Refrain]
3 Sweet would it be, if you and I could answer,
“Lord, I have sought thy sheep on mountains cold,
Faithful to thee, at last, dear Lord, I’ve found one,
Now it is safely sheltered in thy fold.” [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #72