I. From God, the Lord my Saviour,
I'll never swerve nor stray;
Whose Love, and kind Behaviour,
Doth never die away.
He always is the same:
He shortens all my sorrow,
And will relieve to Morrow,
Blest be his holy Name.
II. When I am disappointed
Of all Mankind's Relief,
I fly to the Anointed
Who softens all my Grief;
He ne'er denies his Love
To his distressed Creature,
Tho' my depraved Nature
He sharply doth reprove.
III. On him I am relying
E'en in the greatest Stress'
He's daily verifying
The many Promises
He in his Word has made;
My Life, my Breath and Motion
Shall be at his Devotion,
Whose Love can never fade.
IV. Hi gracious Inclination
Tends to my greatest Good,
Seeks all Minkind's Salvatin
By his own precious Blood,
In whom we are restor'd,
To his Paternal Kindness,
And sav'd from sinful Blindness.
His Name be e'er ador'd.
V. Praise him with Hearts and voices;
Which to that End were giv'n;
For CHRIST himself rejoices
To find our Thoughts in Heav'n:
All other Time is lost,
We spend in trifling Pleasures
Regardless of those Treasures,
Bought at our SAVIOUR"S Cost.
VI. And when the present Fashion
Of this deceitful World,
With all its Ostentation,
Down to its Doom is hurl'd;
Then those redeem'd by CHRIST
Shall from the Grave's Corruption
Be rais'd to sing th' Adoption:
Hosanna in the High'st!
VII. Thus, whilst I bear with Patience
The present Misery,
Due to my Disobedience;
Yet blest Eternity
I have within my View;
Where my Redeemer's Glory
Will change my mournful Story,
And form me quite anew.
VIII. This is the Father's Pleasure,
Who rais'd us from the Dust;
His Son has endless Treasure
Laid up for all the Just;
And God the Holy Ghost
Will shew the new Creation,
And bring us to that Station,
Where he shall love him most.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #134