1 Glory unto God our Father,
Glory to the bleeding Lamb,
Glory to the cleansing Spirit,
Triune Godhead, great I Am.
Glory, glory, chant it, fathers,
Glory, glory, mothers, sing;
Join the chorus, sons and daughters,
Every heart some tribute bring.
2 Glory in the highest, Glory
Glory to Emmanuel’s name;
Glory give in song and story,
Saints and angels chant the same. [Refrain]
3 Glory His, whose blood hath bought us,
Richly on the cross outpoured.
Glory His, whose love hath sought us,
Father, be by all adored. [Refrain]
4 Glory now, and glory ever,
Glory when affliction falls,
Glory give in each endeavor,
God in Christ to glory calls. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8024