Bible Songs #96
Display Title: A Sure Stronghold Is Our God First Line: God is our strength and refuge high Tune Title: [God is our strength and refuge high] Scripture: Psalm 46 Date: 1901 Subject: Afflictions | Refuge in; Assurance | Enjoyed; Christ | Abiding with Believers; Christ | Present in His Church; Christ | The Savior; Church | An Abode of God; Church | Christ the Head of; Church | Security of; Church | Triumph of; Comfort in Trials | ; Faith | Confidence of; Fearlessness | ; God | Refuge; God | Supremacy of; Gospel | Sanctifying and Saving; Missions | Encouragements; Nations | Dependent on God; Peace | ; Royalty of Christ | Nations His Subjects; Royalty of Christ | Providential; Royalty of Christ | Will Subject the World to God; Strength in God |
Bible Songs #96