1 Great God! if thou should’st bring me near,
To answer at thy awful bar,
And my own self defend;
If Jesus did himself withdraw,
I know thy holy, fiery law
My soul to hell would send.
2 A sinner self-condemned I come,
Worthy that thou should’st me consume,
But, O! one thing I plead:
The every mite to thee I owed,
Christ Jesus, with his own heart’s blood,
In pity for me paid.
3 Now should’st thou me to judgment call,
Though Moses faced me there, and all
My dreadful sins appeared,
I should not fear, but boldly stand;
Through Jesus’ piercèd heart and hand,
I know I should be spared.
4 My full receipt should there be showed,
Written with iron pens in blood,
On Jesus’ hands and side.
“I’m safe!” I’ll shout, “O law and sin,
Ye cannot bring me guilty in,
For Christ was crucified!”
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #163