1 Great God of glory, show thy face,
And crown our efforts with thy grace;
In heathen lands thy gospel bless,
And here secure its large increase.
2 Let Jews and Gentiles, bond and free,
Embrace salvation, Lord, by thee;
While those who now in darkness dwell,
Deliverance sing from guilt and hell.
3 Millions there are on heathen ground,
Who never heard the gospel's sound;
O send it forth, and let it run,
Swift and reviving as the sun.
4 O look on those who stand to tell
Sinners the way that leads from hell:
Guide thou their lips, their hearts unite;
Teach them to act as in thy sight.
5 To those who give do thou impart
A generous, wise, and tender heart;
Lord, crown their zeal, reward their care,
That in thy grace thy all may share.
6 Let many stand around thy throne,
From different climes, let many own
The banner of the cross unfurled
Has saved from hell a ruined world.
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors, 1799