1 Happy ev’ry moment in the love of Christ our Lord,
And the law of life for us shall be the will of God;
We will live for Jesus’ glory,
We will help to spread His story,
Help to send to ev’ry creature God’s pure word.
Happy ev’ry moment, Jesus is our friend,
And the weakest soul may on His love depend;
And no ill can ever harm us,
Sins of earth can never charm us,
We are safe each hour and safe ‘till life shall end.
2 Happy ev’ry moment in the service of our King,
Happy when to other lives some happiness we bring;
Happy when the cross we’re hearing,
Happy when His yoke we’re wearing,
Happy, and our gladness we today must sing. [Chorus]
3 Happy ev’ry moment tho’ the way we cannot trace,
Simply trusting Jesus we depend upon His grace;
He will lead us, safely lead us,
And His love will surely feed us
Until we in glory shall behold His face. [Chorus]
Source: Great Tabernacle Hymns #130