1 He comes! he comes! the trumpet sound
And loudly rend the vast profound;
Earth, sea, and sky astonished shake:
To judgment come--ye dead awake!
2 Behold, behold what myriads rise!
See! see what glory fills the skies:
The dreadful volumes open shine;
O! mercy, Lord--for mercy's thine.
3 The hour, the awful hour is come,
Fixed, ever fixed is human doom;
The earth dissolves, heaven melts away:
O shield me, Saviour, in that day.
4 Lo! he ascends, to heaven ascends,
With his triumphant right-hand friends:
Time, death, and hell, expiring lie,
And goodness fills eternity.
5 The Father bless--the Son adore,
The Spirit praise for evermore:
Salvation's glorious work is done:
We welcome thee, great Three in One.
Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the use of Christians, 1803