1. Hold up the gospel banner;
Let all the people see
The glorious bible motto:
Salvation full and free.
Hold up the banner,
Hold up the banner,
The blessed gospel banner our own commander gave,
our own commander gave;
Proclaim, proclaim the great salvation,
Thro' him who came to save,
Proclaim the great salvation,
Thro' him who came to save.
2. Oh, wonderful Redeemer!
Thy mighty power we prove
To save poor, guilty sinners:
Oh, vast, stupendous love!
3. Hold up the bible banner,--
The precious, holy Word
Show forth the mighty Saviour,--
Our glorious, risen Lord.
4. Hold up the gospel banner,
The wondrous truth proclaim:
An uttermost salvation
Is found in Jesus' name.
Source: The Welcome Voice: a collection of gospel hymns and songs #5