1 I am living each day as I journey below,
In the glory He sends from above,
He spreads o’er my path like a mantle of snow,
The light of His wonderful love.
In the light of His wonderful love,
As it shines from the throne just above,
‘Tis the old gospel story
Of Christ and of glory—
This light of His wonderful love.
2 When the shadows of time with their trouble and gloom,
Would my heavenly vision remove,
Then forth from His presence, resplendent there shines,
The light of His wonderful love. [Refrain]
3 And when I shall cross to the land of the blest,
E’en in death His great care He shall prove,
I’ll pillow my head on the Savior and rest
In the light of His wonderful love. [Refrain]
Source: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #146