1 I am waiting upon the green shore,
All weary and faint with delay.
Still fearing the billows that roar,
Still dreading the mist covered way.
And O, If my Saviour would come
To carry me safe o'er the wave,
And O, were I safely at home,
No more the dark waters to brave!
Fear not, dread not the dark rolling wave;
Thy Saviour is near thee, and mighty to save:
Then fear not the waters, soon safely passed o'er,
We all there shall meet on the bright gleaming shore.
We all there shall meet on the bright gleaming shore.
3 Then no longer, I fear the dark wave,
So many have passed by this way
To the land where my Saviour has gone,
I'll hasten, no longer delay;
For thousands have forded the stream,
And safely attained the bright shore
No sorrow, no danger to fear,
For sorrow and sickness are o'er.
4 I am waiting upon the green shore,
But fear not the waves as they roll;
When Jesus shall call I pass o'er,
To the beautiful home of the soul.
Then brothers and sisters and all,
Who left us in days that are past,
Will welcome us singing for joy,
To the pleasure which always will last,
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #84