Display Title: Psalm 89: Cantaré Enternamente (Forever I Will Sing) First Line: Sellé una alianza (I have made a covenant) Tune Title: [Cantaré eternamente] Scripture: Psalm 89:2-5; Psalm 89:16-19; Psalm 89:21-22; Psalm 89:25; Psalm 89:27; Psalm 89:29 Date: 2003 Subject: Advent 4 | Common Psalm; Christmas Vigil | ; Covenant | ; Service Music for Mass: Liturgy of the Word | Responsorial Psalm; St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary (March 19) | ; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest | Responsorial Psalm; The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph | Year B; Thirteenth Ordinary | Year A; Thursday of Holy Week/Chrism Mass |
Journeysongs (2nd ed.) #64