Psalms for All Seasons #143B
Display Title: Psalm 143 (A Responsorial Setting) First Line: I lift my soul to you (What wondrous love is this) Tune Title: WONDROUS LOVE (fragment) Scripture: Psalm 143 Date: 2012 Subject: Church Year | Ash Wednesday; Church Year | Good Friday; Church Year | Lent; Church Year | Pentecost; Church Year | Transfiguration; Darkness | ; Despair | ; Elements of Worship | Confession (Corporate); Elements of Worship | Confession (Individual); Enemies | ; Fear | ; Forgiveness | ; Freedom | ; God | Obedience to; God | Trust in; God as | Guide; God as | Spirit; God's | Armor; God's | Deeds; God's | Face; God's | Faithfulness; God's | Name; God's | Presence; God's | Protection; God's | Will; God's | Wisdom; God's | Wonders; Grace | ; Hopelessness | ; Jesus Christ | Teacher; Joy | ; Judgment | ; Lord's Prayer | 2nd petition (your kingdom come); Lord's Prayer | 5th petition (forgive us our sins as we forgive…); Love for God | ; People of God / Church | Suffering; Prayer | ; Prayer | Answer to; Remembering | ; Renewal | ; Servants of God | ; The Creation | ; Trust | ; Truth | ; Victory | ; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil | Source: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text); S. Mead's A General Selection, 1811
Psalms for All Seasons #143B