1 I look to Jesus, and the face
Of God is turned on me in love,
I feel a Father's fond embrace,
And all my doubts and fears remove.
2 I look to Jesus, and behold!
My heart is lightened of its cares,
My love for earthly things grows cold,
And pleasure vainly spreads her snares.
3 I look to Jesus, and the sight
Of all that He endured for me,
Makes e'en my greatest sufferings light,
Compared with His deep agony.
4 I look to Jesus when my zeal
And faith and love grow dead and cold;
Then doth He Calvary reveal,
And makes me in His service bold.
5 Thus let me, Lord, while life doth last,
In faith look ever up to Thee,
And when life's sinful days are past
I shall Thy face in glory see.
Source: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #468