1 I love the Lord, my Savior true,
Who set me free from sin;
I love to hear His Word anew
that keeps me pure within.
2 I love the church, that holy place,
Where grace and truth abide,
Where saints of God His Word embrace
And from the world may hide.
3 I love the font where I was born
A child of God on high,
Where I was called in life's bright morn
To be my Savior nigh.
4 I love the altar of the Lord,
Where prayers are said for me;
I love the pulpit whence the word
Of life flows pure and free.
5 I love the people who with me
Will serve my Savior blest
And who with gladness hear His plea:
"Come unto me and rest."
6 Oh, may my heart be true to Him
And gladly Him embrace
That sin and shame may never dim
In me His light and grace.
Source: Hymnal for Church and Home (2nd ed.) #359