1 I love to hear the story
Of Jesus and His birth;
How He, the Lord of glory,
Came down to dwell on earth;
He laid aside His splendor,
His royal diadem,
Became an infant tender,--
The Babe of Bethlehem.
I love to hear the story
Of Jesus and HIs birth,
How He, the Lord of glory,
Came down to dwell on earth;
How He, the Lord of glory,
Came down to dwell on earth.
2 I love the blessed story
Of Jesus and His throne,
Exalted, crowned with glory,
Whom saints and angels own;
Loud songs of acclamation
To Him they gladly raise,
The Author of salvation
Triumphantly they praise. [Refrain]
3 There on the hills of glory,
The sacred mount above,
I'll celebrate the story
Of Jesus and His love;
I'll gaze upon His glory,
The beauties of His face,
And sing the wondrous story
Of His redeeming grace. [Refrain]
Coronation Hymns, 1910