1 If the Lord my Saviour comes,
At the dawning,
In the morning,
Of a golden summer day,
Will He find me waiting, watching,
For His call to come away?
2 If the Lord my Saviour comes,
At the noontime,
In the hurry,
‘Mid the toil and pressing care,
Will I hear His sweet voice calling,
Hear that shouting in the air?
3 If the Lord my Saviour comes,
In the shadows,
Of the twilight,
When the cares are laid aside,
Will He find my soul still harking,
For His summons to His bride?
4 If the Lord my Saviour comes,
In the quiet,
Of the midnight,
When the earth is hushed to rest,
Will He find my lamp all ready,
Bid me enter with the blest?
Source: Victorious Life Hymns #127