I. Is God for me? what is it
That men can do to me?
As oft my God I visit,
All Woes give Way and flee:
If God, my Head and Master,
Defend me from above,
What Pain or what Disaster
Can drive me from his Love.
II. Of this I am persuaded,
And boast how openly,
That he, whose Love ne'er faded,
Is wholly turn'd to me;
And that in Change and Chances
He stands at my right Hand,
And, when the Storm advances,
'Tis calm at his Command.
III. The Ground of my Profession
Is JESUS and his Blood,
Which gives me the Possession
Of th' everlasting Good:
What is my Breath, while living,
But Smoak and Vanity?
Does not then what CHRIST'S giving,
Deserve all Love from me?
IV. My JESUS and his Merit
Is all I seek and care;
Were he not with my Spirit,
Ah! I shou'd soon despair.
God's just and holy Nature
Cou'd never bear in Sight;
So foul and vile a Creature
As I am in his Light.
V. 'Tis CHRIST, who has abolish'd
The Claim of Hell and Sin;
His Grace has cleans'd and polish'd
My humbled Soul within:
In him I raise with Gladness
My Voice and Courage up,
And dare indulge no Sadness,
As one that has no Hope.
VI. I know no Condemnation,
No Law, that speaks Despair;
And Satan's Imprecation,
I treat with scornful Air:
No Judgment nor sad Tiding
Creates Uneasiness;
'Tis JESUS I confide in,
Who skreens me with his Grace.
VII. His Spirit is the Sov'reign
Possessor of my Heart,
No Grief there dares to govern;
He checks the deepest Smart.
He gives his Benediction;
And, as he dwells in me,
Cries ABBA in Affliction
With holy Fervency.
VIII. When seiz'd with Fear and Anguish
I feel my wretchedness,
He sighs and speaks a Language,
My Tongue ne'er can express;
But God, who knows the Motion,
His Spirit works in me,
Is pleas'd with the Devotion
Rais'd from Humility.
IX. His Spirit chears my Spirit
With many a sav'ry Word,
That those may Grace inherit,
Whose Rest is in the Lord;
Who know he doth a Building
In Heav'n anew contrive;
Both Heart and Senses yielding
To All that they believ.
X. There is my sure Adoption
Secur'd and seal'd withal:
My Flesh may see Corruption,
But Heav'n can never fail.
And though with Tears I'm sowing
This Vale of Misery,
The Light of CHRIST'S bestowing
Chears all Adversity.
XI. Who enters his Alliance,
'Gainst Satan, World and Sin,
Will find their fierce Annoyance
Without, and from within;
Reproach, Shame, Contradiction,
Will fall upon his Head;
All Manner of Affliction
Will be his daily Bread.
XII. This all I have digested,
Yet keep my Chearfulness.
On God my Care is rested;
In him I acquiesce:
To him I give my treasure,
And all I am and have;
His Live transcends all Pleasure
Here and beyond the Grave.
XIII. Shou'd Earth lose its Foundation,
Thou stand'st my lasting Rock;
No temp'ral Desolation
Shall give my Love a Shock:
No Sword nor Persecution,
No Want nor Nakedness,
Shall cause a Diminution
Of Love I now profess.
XIV. No Angel, Pow'r, nor Gladness,
No shining Diadem,
No Passion, Love, nor Sadness,
No Cruelty, nor Flame,
Of what Denomination,
Be't strong, weak, great, or small,
Can breed a Separation
'Twixt me and God my All.
XV. My Heart o'erflows with Pleasure,
And knows not how to grieve;
My Song bespeaks the Treasure
Of Joy, I now conceive:
The Sun, whose bright Enjoyment
I feel, is CHRIST, my Love,
Who gives me sweet Employment,
And lives and reigns above.
First Line: | Is God for me, what is it |
German Title: | Ist Gott für mich, so trete |
Author: | Paul Gerhardt |
Translator: | Johann Christian Jacobi |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |