1 Jerusalem, thou city blest,
Thy children all are free;
And weary ones our Lord gives rest,
Here sing glad songs of thee.
Their loving hearts, though fiercely tossed
On life’s wild, raging sea,
Will, yonder, when life’s sea is crossed,
Find endless joy in thee.
2 Bright crystal streams unceasing flow
Within thy gates so fair;
Thy streets of gold bear throngs in white
To hail our entrance there:
Could we abide but one sweet day
With all thy glorious throng
All sting of death would flee away
In hope’s triumphant song.
3 Jerusalem, thou harbor blest;
We long, beyond life’s sea,
When earthly suns have sunk to rest,
To anchor safe in thee.
O sunlit clime, where clouds ne’er frown,
Where heartaches never come!
We hope, at last, to wear the crown,
And share thy joys at home.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10272