1 Jesus calls for faithful lab’rers,
Earnest workers in His field,
For the grain in white to harvest,
And abundant is the yield.
Jesus calls for faithful workers,
Consecrated, bold and true;
Oh, my brother, standing idle,
Know you not He calls for you?
2 Souls are perishing around you
For the help that you might give;
Go my brother, seek the lost ones,
Bid them come to Christ and live. [Refrain]
3 Hearts are aching ‘neath the burdens
That the dear Christ-love would lift,
If some worker in the vineyard
Would but bear God’s precious gift. [Refrain]
4 Jesus calls for faithful lab’rers,
Who will answer “Here am I!”
Who will gather precious jewels
For the crowning by and by? [Refrain]
Source: Sunshine: songs for Sunday schools #54