1 Jesus loves me, this I know,
For the Bible tells me so;
Those that early seek shall find;
Turn to him with heart and mind.
Jesus is the children's Friend,
He will love them to the end.
Oh, remember in thy youth,
Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth.
2 Christ the Saviour sounds the "Call,"
There is "Welcome" sweet for all,
"Blessing" from his loving hands,
For his "Promise" ever stands. [Chorus]
3 Jesus calls, he calls today,
Lo, the "Guide-book" shows the way.
Turn to him, no longer roam,
Yonder lies the "Heavenly Home." [Chorus]
4 Step by step, we reach the place
Where he shows his loving face.
Christ, forevermore the same,
Calls the children each by name. [Chorus]
Source: Bible Study Songs: for junior societies, junior and primary Sunday schools #88