1 Jesus up from the water came,
And praying looks above;
The Father pleas'd with what is done,
Sent down the heavenly dove.
2 A voice proclaims this is my son,
Hear him, obey his word,
In his example we would run,
He is our King and lord.
3 Thus at the water we appear,
Help us to look above,
Baptized like our Saviour dear,
May we receive the dove.
4 O may our hearts arise as one,
Thy goodness to adore,
And all that see thy wonders done,
Praise Jesus more and more.
5 Here by the water side we stand,
And here our pray'r we make,
Baptized at our Lord's command,
Help us for Jesus sake.
6 Those that believe and are baptis'd,
Christ promises to save;
Yes they will draw a glorious prize,
T' enjoy beyond the grave.
7 Planted together saith the word,
In likeness of his death;
Thus we believe the blessed Lord,
The sweet example left.
Source: Hymns on Various Subjects #7