1 Just a sunbeam shining from above,
On a golden morning,
Touch'd a blossom with a ray of love
And death was changed to life.
O the pow'r of love,
Wondrous pow'r of love,
Easing pain and woe;
O that all may be,
Sunbeams light and free
Ev'rywhere we go.
Shine, ever shine, O sunbeam bright,
Turn winter's darkness into light,
Emblem thou, of heav'n's bright morning,
Foll'wing earth's night.
2 Just a sunbeam, but its cheering ray,
Lightens ev'ry burden;
Weary travellers on the upward way
Are cheer'd and helped and bless'd.
O the pow'r of love,
Wondrous pow'r of love,
Easing pain and woe;
O that all may be,
Sunbeams light and free
Ev'rywhere we go. [Chorus]
3 Just a sunbeam, but a welcome guest;
In some darken'd dwelling
One may enter, with its message blest,
And with its light of love.
O the pow'r of love,
Wondrous pow'r of love,
Easing pain and woe;
O that all may be,
Sunbeams light and free
Ev'rywhere we go. [Chorus]
4 But a sunbeam, smiling as you go,
Bearing golden blessings
Into homes and lives of want or woe,
O carry love's bright ray.
O the pow'r of love,
Wondrous pow'r of love,
Easing pain and woe;
O that all may be,
Sunbeams light and free
Ev'rywhere we go. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #152