1 Kind souls, who for the miseries moan
Of those who seldom mind their own,
But treat your zeal with cold disdain,
Resolved to make your labours vain.
2 You, who sincere affection tends
To help your dear ungrateful friends
To think you foes, or mad, or fools,
Because you fain would save their souls.
3 Though deaf to every warning given,
They scorn to walk with you to heaven;
But often think, and sometimes say,
They'll never go if that's the way.
4 Though they the Spirit of God resist,
Or ridicule your faith in Christ;
Though they blaspheme, oppose, contemn,
And hate you for your love to them;
5 One secret way is left you still
To do them good against their will;
Here they can no obstruction give,
You may do this without their leave.
6 Fly to the throne of grace by prayer,
And pour out all your wishes there;
Effectual fervent prayer prevails
When every other method fails.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #793