Like music at the stilly hour,
When twilight veils the light of day,
A gentle voice, with winning power,
Allured me from the world away.
It made me sad, because I thought
That love undying I could spurn;
It made me glad, because it brought
A loving message in return.
Ah, then the Christ my sin revealed,
And bade me cast the barrier down,
And rise to things from eyes concealed,
More lasting than the world’s renown.
I found the pathway to the cross,
And lo, my blindness passed away,
For radiant sunlight swept across
The darkness that had led astray.
’Twas then that Christ, in all His love,
In all His beauty won my soul;—
Now, for the treasures stored above,
I thrust aside the world’s control.
Hymns from the Morningland, 1911