Lord of the brave and strong,
Armed for the ceaseless fight,
Fired with the love of right,
Filled with a hate of wrong,--
Thine is the might they wield,
Lord of the brave and strong.
Lord of the weak and faint,--
Faint yet pursuing still,
Bowing to Thy sweet will,
Bearing without complaint;
Thine is their power to bear,
Lord of the weak and faint.
Lord of the good and true,
Souls, that the rays entwine
Shot from the Orb divine,
Lives that their tasks pursue;
Thine is the life they live,
Lord of the good and true.
Lord of the souls that love,
Seeking the lives that roam,
Bringing the wanderers home,
Pointing to bliss above;
Thine is the love, O Christ,
Lord of the souls that love.
Lord of all souls that live!
Grant us Thy grace, we pray,
Humbly from day to day,
Ever our best to give;--
Thou wilt our souls befriend,
Lord of all souls that live.