Lord of the home, thine only Son

Representative Text

1 Lord of the home, the Son you love
Received a mother's tender care,
A father's strength like yours above,
A home with warmth and kindness there.

2 Help us, O Lord, our homes to make
Your Holy Spirit's dwelling-place;
Our hands and hearts' devotion take
To be the servants of your grace.

3 We pray that all who with us dwell
Your love and joy and peace may know.
And while our lips your praises tell,
May faithful lives your glory show.

4 Teach us to keep our homes so fair
That, were our Lord a child once more,
He might be glad our hearth to share
And find a welcome at our door.

5 Lord, may your Spirit sanctify
Each household duty we fulfill.
May we our Savior glorify
With glad obedience to your will.

Source: Christian Worship (1993): a Lutheran hymnal #502

Author: Albert F. Bayly

Albert F. Bayly was born on Sep­tem­ber 6, 1901, Bex­hill on Sea, Sus­sex, Eng­land. He received his ed­u­cat­ion at Lon­don Un­i­ver­si­ty (BA) and Mans­field Coll­ege, Ox­ford. Bayly was a Congregationalist (later United Reformed Church) minister from the late 1920s until his death in 1984. His life and ministry spanned the Depression of the 1930s, the Second World War, and the years of reconstruction which followed. Af­ter re­tir­ing in 1971, he moved to Spring­field, Chelms­ford, and was ac­tive in the local Unit­ed Re­formed Church. He wrote sev­er­al pageants on mis­sion themes, and li­bret­tos for can­ta­tas by W. L. Lloyd Web­ber. He died on Ju­ly 26, 1984 in Chiches­ter, Sus­sex, Eng­land. NN,… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Lord of the home, thine only Son
Author: Albert F. Bayly
Copyright: © Oxford University Press



HURSLEY is a Protestant French Huguenot melody by an anonymous composer.

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Instances (1 - 6 of 6)

Christian Worship (1993) #502

Church Hymnal, Fifth Edition #543

Page Scan

Common Praise #510

Hymnal #490

Hymns Ancient and Modern, New Standard Edition #494

Hymns and Psalms #367

Include 3 pre-1979 instances
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