My God, my Father, while I stray

My God, my Father, while I stray

Author: Charlotte Elliott (1834)
Published in 565 hymnals

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Representative Text

1 My God my Father, while I stray
Far from my home, on life’s rough way,
O teach me from my heart to say,
“Thy will be done!”

2 Tho' dark my path, and sad my lot,
Let me be still and murmur not,
Or breathe the prayer divinely taught,
“Thy will be done!”

3 Let but my fainting heart be blest
With Thy sweet Spirit for its Guest,
My God, to Thee I leave the rest;
“Thy will be done!”

4 Renew my will from day to day;
Blend it with Thine, and take away
All that now makes it hard to say,
“Thy will be done!”


Source: The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal: official hymnal of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church #452

Author: Charlotte Elliott

Elliott, Charlotte, daughter of Charles Elliott, of Clapham and Brighton, and granddaughter of the Rev. H. Venn, of Huddersfield, was born March 18, 1789. The first 32 years of her life were spent mostly at Clapham. In 1823 she removed to Brighton, and died there Sept. 22, 1871. To her acquaintance with Dr. C. Malan, of Geneva, is attributed much of the deep spiritual-mindedness which is so prominent in her hymns. Though weak and feeble in body, she possessed a strong imagination, and a well-cultured and intellectual mind. Her love of poetry and music was great, and is reflected in her verse. Her hymns number about 150, a large percentage of which are in common use. The finest and most widely known of these are, "Just as I am” and "My God… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: My God, my Father, while I stray
Author: Charlotte Elliott (1834)
Source: The Invalid's Hymn Book, 1834
Language: English
Refrain First Line: Thy will be done
Copyright: Public Domain


My God and Father! while I stray. Charlotte Elliott. [Resignation.] The uncertainties with regard to the text of this popular hymn have arisen out of the fact that four forms of the text were published by Miss Elliott, and each of these has been taken in turn as the original. The facts and texts are as follows:—
i. The original hymn was published in the Appendix to the first edition of the Invalids Hymn Book, 1834, No. 17, as follows:—

“1. My God and Father! while I stray
Far from my home in life's rough way,
Oh! teach me from my heart to say,
‘Thy will be done!'
"2. Though dark my path, and sad my lot,
Let me ‘be still,' and murmur not,
Or breathe the prayer divinely taught,
'Thy will be done!'
"3. What though in lonely grief I sigh
For friends beloved, no longer nigh,
Submissive still would I reply,
‘Thy will be done!'
“4. If thou shouldst call me to resign
What most I prize, it ne'er was mine;
I only yield thee what was thine;
‘Thy will be done!'
“5. Should pining sickness waste away,
My life in premature decay,
My Father! still I strive to say,
‘Thy will be done!'
"6. If but my fainting heart be blest
With thy sweet spirit for its guest,
My God! to thee I leave the rest—
‘Thy will be done!'
"7. Renew my will from day to day,
Blend it with thine, and take away
All now that makes it hard to say,
‘Thy will be done!'
"8. Then when on earth I breathe no more
The prayer oft mixed with tears before,
I'll sing upon a happier shore,
‘Thy will be done!"'

ii. The second form of the hymn appeared in Miss Elliott's brother's (H. V. Elliott), Psalms and Hymns, 1835, as follows :—

”1. My God my Father, while I stray
Far from my home, on life's rough way,
0 teach me from my heart to say,
‘Thy will be done!'
"2. If thou shouldst call me to resign
What most I prize,—it ne'er was mine;
I only yield thee what was thine; —
‘Thy will be done!'
“3. E'en if again I ne'er should see
The friend more dear than life to me,
Ere long we both shall be with thee;—
‘Thy will be done!
"4. Should pining sickness waste away
My life in premature decay,
My Father, still I strive to say,
‘Thy will be done!'
"5. If but my fainting heart be blest
With thy sweet Spirit for its guest,
My God, to thee I leave the rest;—
‘Thy will be done!'
“6. Renew my will from day to day;
Blend it with thine, and take away
All that now makes it hard to say
‘Thy will be done!'
"7. Then when on earth I breathe no more
The prayer oft mix'd with tears before,
I'll sing, upon a happier shore,
‘Thy will be done!'"

iii. The third form of the hymn was given in Miss Elliott's Hours of Sorrow, &c, 1836, pp. 130-1, as follows:—

”My God and Father! while I stray
Far from my home in life's rough way,
0! teach me from my heart to say,
‘Thy will be done!'
“Though dark my path and sad my lot,
Let me ‘be still' and murmur not;
Or breathe the prayer divinely taught,
‘Thy will be done!'
“What though in lonely grief I sigh
For friends belov'd, no longer nigh,
Submissive still would I reply,
‘Thy will be done!'
“Though thou hast call'd me to resign
What most I priz'd, it ne'er was mine:
I have but yielded what was thine;—
‘Thy will be done!'
“Should grief or sickness waste away
My life in premature decay;
My Father! still I'll strive to say,
‘Thy will be done!'
“Let but my fainting heart be blest,
With thy sweet Spirit for its guest.
My God! to thee I leave the rest:
'Thy will be done!'
“Renew my will from day to day!
Blend it with thine! and take away
All that now makes it hard to say,
‘Thy will be done!'"

iy. The fourth form is in the 1839 edition of Elliott'sPsalms & Hymns and later editions. In this the text of the Psalms and Hymns, 1835, has undergone one change only, and this in the opening line, which reads, "My God, my Father, while I stray."
The great diversity in these texts, and all published by Miss Elliott, or with her sanction, accounts for the curious anomaly that Lord Selborne, in his Book of Praise, gives one form as the original, Bp. Bickersteth, in his Hymnal Companion, another, and some one else a third. In varying forms it is in extensive use in all English-speaking countries, and of all Miss Elliott's hymns it ranks next to her "Just as I am" in popularity. It has also been translated into several languages, including Latin, German, French, &c.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)



The Book of Common Praise: being the hymn book of The Church of England in Canada (revised 1938) #542a
The Book of Common Praise: being the hymn book of The Church of England in Canada (revised 1938) #542b
The Cyber Hymnal #4232
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Instances (1 - 100 of 565)
Page Scan

50 Hymns and Tunes #46


A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion (15th ed.) #263

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A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion. (10th ed.) #263

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A Church hymnal #446

A Church of England Hymn Book #331

Page Scan

A Collection of Hymns #392

Page Scan

A Manual of Devotion and Hymns for the House of Refuge, City of New York #283

Page Scan

A Manual of Worship #127

A New Service and Tune Book for Sunday Schools. New ed. #d88

A Selection of Hymns for the Use of Church of England Sunday Schools, Bible Classes ... New ed. #d194

Page Scan

A Selection of Hymns #458

Page Scan

A Selection of Spiritual Songs #738

Anglican Hymn Book #248

Armed Forces Service Book for Public and Private Use. 2nd rev. ed. #d56

Book of Common Praise #d353

Book of Hymns for the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and Other States #d158

Book of Hymns for the joint Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and other states #d159

TextPage Scan

Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #497

Calvary Selection of Spiritual Songs with Music for the Church and the Choir #d561

Page Scan

Carmina Sanctorum, a selection of hymns and songs of praise with tunes #508a

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Carmina Sanctorum, a selection of hymns and songs of praise with tunes #508b

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Carmina Sanctorum #508a

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Carmina Sanctorum #508b

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Catholic Church Hymnal with Music #199a

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Catholic Church Hymnal with Music #199b

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Chapel Treasures (Christ Chapel Sabbath-School, Lebanon, PA) #81

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Children's Praise #100

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Choice Hymns of the Faith #325

Choice Hymns #d84

Chorals and Hymns, Ancient and Modern, Chiefly from the German #d26

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Christian Chorals #159

Christian Hymnal #d305

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Christian Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #390

Christian Hymns and Songs #d126

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Christian Hymns for Public and Private Worship #461

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Christian Hymns III #444

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Christian Hymns #64

Christian Hymns #444

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Christian Praise #433

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Christian Praise #434

Christian Youth Hymnal #224

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Church and Sunday School Hymnal with Supplement #478

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Church Harmonies #690

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Church Hymnal #429

Church Hymnal, Fourth Edition #649

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Church Hymnal, Mennonite #419

Church Hymnal, Mennonite #419

Church Hymnal, Mennonite #d334

Church Hymnal, Third Edition #671

Church Hymnal #382

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Church Hymns and Tunes #421a

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Church Hymns and Tunes #421b

Church Hymns with Tunes #432

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Church Hymns #475a

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Church Hymns #475b

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Church Melodies #30

Church Music, a Collection of Hymn Tunes. #d103

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Church Psalmist #766

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Church Psalmist #766

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Common Praise #327a

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Common Praise #327b

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Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church #408a

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Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church #408b

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Concordia #167

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Deseret Sunday School Songs #237

Devotional Hymns #d155

Devotional Hymns #d157

Devotional Hymns #ad157

Diocesan Hymnal #d80

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Evangelical Hymnal #637

Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book with Tunes #d276

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Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book #259

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Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book #386

Evangelical Lutheran Hymnbook (Lutheran Conference of Missouri and Other States) #d212

Everybody's Hymn Book for Church and Home #d194

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Familiar Hymns for Social Meetings #70

Familiar Hymns #43a

Familiar Hymns #43b

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Favorite Sacred Songs for Church and Home #23

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Favorite Solos #17

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Fellowship Hymns #172

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Free Methodist Hymnal #499

Full Salvation Hymnal #d102

Gems of Sacred Song #d129

Gems of Sacred Song for Sunday Schools #d55

Gloria in Excelsis #d420

Gloria in Excelsis #d260

Gospel Hymns #d339

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Gospel Hymns No. 4 #50

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Gospel Hymns Nos. 1 to 6 #229

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Gospel Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined #459

Gospel Light, or Hymns and Tunes for all Occasions of Christian Work and Worship #d274

Great Songs of the Church (Revised) #611

Hymn and Tune Book #d51

Page Scan

Hymn and Tune Book for the Church and the Home. (Rev. ed.) #762


Exclude 554 pre-1979 instances
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