1 My heart, prepare to give account
Of all thy sore transgression;
To Him Who is all mercies' Fount
Make thou a full confession.
Recount what thou in all these years
Of sin and guilt hast hoarded,
And what in God's own book appears,
With faithfulness recorded.
2 Soon will thy earthly course be run,
No single day returning;
But what thou good or ill hast done,
Thy God is now discerning;
When He to judgment calleth thee,
Thou shalt with fear and trembling
Thy sinful deeds in order see,
No longer then dissembling.
3 Here thy conceit and ill desire
Thou many times concealest;
Thy evil lust, that burning fire,
Thou nevermore revealest;
Thou thinkest, This is hidden well,
No soul shall ever know it.
The day of judgment all shall tell,
Its searching light will show it.
4 Remember, then, how swiftly went
The years of grace He gave thee;
What if today His call were sent,
Without a chance to save thee!
If thou hast still a few more days
To be for death preparing,
Then hasten to amend thy ways,
By grace good fruitage bearing.
5 O bend thy knees, thy sins to take
Before God's throne in heaven,
And pray that grace for Jesus' sake
To thee be freely given.
Then by His power from above,
By His own Holy Spirit,
Thou shalt increase in faith and love,
Till heaven thou inherit.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #69