1 My soul doth sing of my heavenly King,
He came from the heav’nly land;
His robe and crown and His sceptre laid down,
He came from the heav’nly land.
I love my blessed Savior,
And will follow His command;
I’ll try to bring, for my heavenly King,
Some soul to the heav’nly land.
2 The story sweet I would ever repeat,
He came from the heav’nly land;
His birthday song let the ages prolong,
He came from the heav’nly land. [Refrain]
3 His tender love bro’t Him down from above,
He came from the heav’nly land;
To live below and the path of life show,
He came from the heav’nly land. [Refrain]
4 Sinless was He, yet to suffer for me
He came from the heav’nly land;
My sinful fall was the cause of all,
He came from the heav’nly land. [Refrain]
5 Oh, let us take up the cross for His sake,
He came from the heav’nly land;
And day by day walk the heavenly way
That leads to the heav’nly land. [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 2 #95