1 Now, with ev’ry heart aflame
Come the hosts of God today,
And we pledge to Christ our heart and hand;
We will make the welkin ring,
Of the Savior we will sing,
Till His praise resounds o’er ev’ry land.
Tramp, tramp, a mighty army!
March! Forward at His word!
We will lift the cross on high,
With our shout we’ll rend the sky,
On to victory in the name of the Lord.
2 Join our happy, happy throng,
Will you not enlist right now?
Come, ye lion-hearted, sin defy;
By the power of God so strong
We will triumph over wrong,
For His cause we’ll dare to do and die. [Refrain]
3 Hail, oh hail that wondrous morn,
When the Savior shall appear,
And His glory we shall surely see;
Then our armor we’ll lay down,
He the faithful ones will crown,
And His praise ring thro’ eternity. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #14