1 O ask me not to tarry, for life is short at best;
Tho’ oft the day be weary, at eventide there’s rest;
And I have truly promised some little word to bring
To those who sorely need it, a message from the King.
A message from the King, a message from the King,
In strains of ever lasting joy, a message from the King.
A message from the King, a message from the King,
In strains of ever lasting joy, a message from the King.
2 God speaks, and we must listen his still small voice to hear,
That we may take to others some note of joy or cheer,
Some song of heaven’s gladness that in each heart shall ring,
When earthly hopes have faded, a message from the King. [Chorus]
3 Interpreters for Jesus are we from day to day,
He whispers some sweet secret, some loving word to say;
If faithful to our purpose unto his hand we cling,
Our lives will daily utter a message from the King. [Chorus]
Source: Inspiring Songs No. 1: for the Sunday school #44