1 O children of the earth rejoice,
Sing to the King of Love;
Whose days of mortal anguish oer
Forever reigns above;
Who came below that He might show
Us how to find the way,
To realms above, of peace and love,
Where we shall live alway.
All hail! all hail!
Unto the happy day,
When Christ the Lord shall take all sins away,
The Lamb, of God,
Shall fling heav’ns portals wide,
And free from sin, we’ll enter in,
Forever to abide.
2 His light still glows within our hearts,
Before Him all bow down,
His is the glory, His the pow’r,
His the immortal crown;
Then Lord again, oh save from shame
Our souls that from Thee stray,
Lord save each one, when life is done,
To live with Thee alway. [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #140