1 O church of God, in Christ a new creation
Wrought by His great salvation,
Thy golden glory now breaks forth upon our sight!
Sitting aloft in the top of the mountains,
Now we behold her—the city of light!
Beautiful for situation is Mount Zion,
The joy of the earth, the mountain of love!
Up to her summit all nations now flow—
All souls who are born from above.
2 O church of God, the city of the holy,
The dwelling of the lowly,
What bliss to dwell where we may e’er her blessings share!
Surely the “springs of the Lord” are within her,
Sparkling with graces so rich and so rare. [Refrain]
3 O church of God, what fold have we beside thee?
What man-made creed can hide thee?
Thy light and glory shall shine forth forevermore!
“Come, all ye people,” her sweet voice is calling,
“Enter through Jesus, for He is the door.” [Refrain]
4 O church of God, thou art a “holy nation,”
A “chosen generation,”
Which hast found mercy through God’s dear, beloved Son;
Out from all schisms and classes of people
Thou He hast purchased and molded in one. [Refrain]
5 O church of God, the place of God’s own dwelling—
All darkness here dispelling—
The Lord of glory walks and talks in holy men;
He is their God and they are His people;
He has redeemed them from all of their sin. [Refrain]
Truth in Song, 1907 (Timeless Truths)