1 O hail today our blessèd king,
King Jesus;
Salvation unto all doth bring,
King Jesus;
He has come to right all wrong,
He is mighty, He is strong;
Raise to Him your triumph song,
King Jesus.
Hail today King Jesus,
The meek and lowly Jesus,
Let the praise of earth and sky,
Echo to His throne on high,
His throne on high.
2 For He is lowly, He is meek,
King Jesus;
He lifts the fallen, helps the weak,
King Jesus;
Sent not to the chosen few,
Sent to Gentile and to Jew,
Glorious things our king will do,
King Jesus. [Refrain]
3 His reign shall never, never cease,
King Jesus;
One reign of everlasting peace,
King Jesus;
And His name will dearer grow,
Soon all waiting worlds shall know
Him who loves His people so,
King Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8308