1 Oh, hark to the crying! The nations are dying,
The nations of earth in their fathomless woe!
Oh, hark to the groaning: All nature is moaning;
Unceasing the anguish, unending its flow.
Oh, haste where they languish in blindness and anguish,
Soul-sick and soul-hungry, in madness and strife;
And tell the glad story, of pardon and glory,
Of healing and beauty, and fullness of life.
2 There’s a tree of God’s planting, with leafage enchanting,
That cures all earth’s madness, and blindness, and care;
And with power supernal, with pity eternal,
He offers this balm for her pain and despair. [Refrain]
3 The nations are crying, yes, falling and dying!
Oh, hasten to tell of the life-giving tree
Which grows by the river, that floweth forever,
From the throne of God’s mercy, abundant and free. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8604