1 O how my loving mother used to worry over me,
Because I did not trust her Savior’s love!
She wanted me to meet her beside the crystal sea,
That we might live together there above.
How happy she will be to know that I am free,
And that the golden life-crown I shall wear;
Her Savior hides my past,
I’m trusting Him at last,
So, angels, please tell mother I’ll be there.
2 How oft I saw her weeping, how oft I heard her pray
For me, her boy, in boyhood’s happy home;
And yet I followed pleasure along the downward way,
And seemed to love from her and God to roam. [Refrain]
3 I know that she is resting with glory on her brow,
I know that she is safe with Him above,
And O how much I love her and her Redeemer now,
While resting in His tender arms of love. [Refrain]
4 I soon shall meet my mother in yonder happy home,
And thank her for the pleas she made for me;
Along the shore eternal together we will roam
And praise our King beside the crystal sea. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #154