O Lord, Our God, in Adoration

Representative Text

1. O Lord, our God, in adoration
We worship You and bend the knee,
With angel hosts our praises singing,
With longing eyes the Christ to see.

2. To shepherds, angels tell the story,
Who run with haste to Bethl’hem near
That they might see this Child most holy
And spread the word that all might hear.

3. Of virgin mother pure and favored,
The King of kings is born this day.
A humble stable gives Him shelter—
His bed, a manger filled with hay.

4. This infant Sovereign comes as servant—
For to this purpose was He sent.
His life and death and resurrection
Are sacrifice and sacrament.

5. And so with kings we kneel before Him
To offer gifts of frankincense;
With myrrh and gold we make oblation—
Each Christian heart on earth repents!

6. Be near us, Lord, when we are weary;
Secure us to Your loving breast
Until You bring us to Your kingdom
Where we shall find eternal rest.

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #5136

Author: R. Michael Cullinan

Robert George Cullinan [Michael Cullinan] Born: November 22, 1937, Dear­born, Mi­chi­gan. Cullinan pre­pared for the min­is­try of the Lu­ther­an Church - Mis­sou­ri Synod at Con­co­rdia The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary in Spring­field, Il­li­nois. He was or­dained in 1964, and served par­ish­es both in Os­we­go, Kan­sas, and West­land, Mi­ch­igan. After half a dozen years as a Lu­ther­an pas­tor, he left the par­ish min­is­try to work on a mas­ter’s de­gree in Guid­ance and Coun­sel­ing at Wayne State Un­i­ver­si­ty in De­troit, Mi­ch­igan. He con­tin­ued with post-Mas­ter’s cours­es there, and served on the ac­a­dem­ic fa­cul­ty. Cullinan con­tin­ued to feel drawn to th… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: O Lord, our God, in adoration
Title: O Lord, Our God, in Adoration
Author: R. Michael Cullinan (1996)
Language: English
Copyright: © 1996 Ro­bert Cull­i­nan. The co­py­right hold­er grants per­mis­sion to re­pro­duce these lyr­ics, as long as this no­tice re­mains with each co­py.


ST. CLEMENT (Scholefield)

ST. CLEMENT was composed for [John Ellerton's text "The Day Thou Gavest"] by Rev. Clement C. Scholefield (b. Edgbaston, near Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, 1839; d. Goldalming, Surrey, England, 1904). ST. CLEMENT was published in Arthur S. Sullivan's 1874 hymnal, Church Hymns with Tunes; of his…

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The Cyber Hymnal #5136
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The Cyber Hymnal #5136

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