1 O praise the Lord of Heav'n, Whose mercy never fails; Six Troubles come, and also Sev'n, But still his Grace prevails.
2 The Year that's almost past His Goodness did proclaim; His Love doth now and always last, Give glory to his Name.
3 How Wond'rous are his Ways Which he to us makes known! We join to sing our Makers Praise; And worship him alone.
4 When we the Year begun We rais'd our chearful songs; And surely when its Course is run To God our Praise belongs.
5 His Mercies till are new, Let us extol his Love May we this Blessed Theme pursue Till we shall meet above.Source: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns: collected from various authors, designed for the worship of God, and for the edification of Christians (1st Ed.) #CCXXV