1 O soul bowed down with grief and care,
With burdens many, hard to bear,
Look up, look up, for God is there,
Thou shalt be comforted.
Thou shalt be comforted,
Thou shalt be comforted;
For God thy tears shall wipe away,
And bring to thee a brighter day;
For in his Word the Lord doth say,
“They shall be comforted.”
2 He enters into all thy woe,
Thine every sorrow he doth know,
His tender sympathy he’ll show,
Thou shalt be comforted. [Refrain]
3 Look up, and thou his face shalt see,
And know that he thy help shall be;
His pity draws him near to thee,
Thou shalt be comforted. [Refrain]
4 A precious soothing balm is he,
The healer of thy wounds he’ll be,
And trusting him thy soul shall see—
Thou shalt be comforted. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #7