1 Oh, the world has sung of Jesus nineteen hundred years and more,
So we cannot tell a story that has not been told before;
But the story we are singing though so old is ever new,
For it satisfies us fully, as naught else can do.
So we’ll sing the same old story ev’ry day,
We’ll sing the same old story all the way;
We’ll sing the same old story, till we get home to glory,
Then we’ll sing it in that land of fadeless day.
2 Oh, it tells us God so loved us that He gave His Son to die,
And that whosoever trusteth in His name shall never die;
But may live with Him in heaven after time on earth is o’er,
And we’ll sing the same old story on the golden shore. [Refrain]
3 Oh, this is the sweetest story that the world has ever heard,
For it gives us blessed comfort when we take Him at His word;
As we read about the mansions that our Saviour will prepare,
We can feel our souls uplifted, longing to be there. [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 4 #152