O! there is more than ear hath heard,
Light of the World, in this Thy word!
It speaks the living soul to win;
It claims the loving heart within;
It tells us inly understood,
That Thou art God, that Thou art good.
Here our fallen nature raised we see, —
Here our lost glory shines in Thee, —
And man sees man in mortal strife,
A witness that to love is life.
Yes, for Thy sake — O strong to bear!
The secret of Thy strength was there.
'Twas not the power which gave us breath,
That urged Thee through the gates of death,
That bade Thee tread the press alone
To make the Father's message known.
It was Thy spirit's deep intent
It was Thy love for Him who sent;
It was His joy that bore Thee through,
And he who sees Thee sees Him too.
Yes, for Thy sake, O God Most High,
O! Man Most Meek, we too can die: —
Die to the death which Thou hast slain,
Die to the deepest source of pain,
And walk, by Love's sustaining store,
As seekers of our own no more.
We can hear more than ear hath heard,
Life of the World! in this Thy word;
And wastes shall break forth into song,
As in its power we pass along.
For lo! in hidden deep accord,
The servant may be like his Lord.
And Thy love our love shining through,
May tell the world that Thou art true,
Till those who see us see Thee too.
Hymns and Meditations, 1873