1 O Thou shelter from the tempest,
Hide me till the storm goes by;
From the gloomy depths of darkness,
Savior, hear, O hear my cry.
Jesus, hide me, Jesus, hide me,
Hide me till the storm goes by;
From the gloomy depths of darkness,
Savior, hear, O hear my cry.
2 Thou, O Christ, canst still the tempest,
Thou canst rule the stormy sea;
And the sad and troubled spirit
Cries aloud, O Lord, to Thee. [Refrain]
3 Life, and death, and trouble,
All are in Thy mighty pow’r;
O Thou shelter from the tempest,
Hide me in the trying hour. [Refrain]
Source: Assembly Songs: for use in evangelistic services, Sabbath schools, young peoples societies, devotional meetings, and the home #129