1 O Thou, the King in manger born,
America is calling Thee;
Awakened by the climbing morn
That first illumined Galilee.
Still lurks in vales belated night,
Still darkling grope the sin enticed.
While faith proclaims meridian light,
And cries, America for Christ.
2 Thanks unto Thee for mercies past,
The grace untold that is to come;
For mighty continent so vast.
The solitude, the city’s hum,
The fertile field, the crags of gold,
All races in one land comprised.
And best, the right to take and hold
This great America for Christ.
3 The sowing of the precious seed
And reaping side by side progress;
Lord of the harvest, send with speed
More lab’rers and supremely bless!
They sow in tears, they toil in pain,
They render up their lives unpriced;
Be this their everlasting gain—
Their crown— America for Christ.
4 Soon shall rewarding day be due,
The time for Thy return be reached,
The gospel for a witness true
Among all nations have been preached.
O then, the suffering and loss—
What joy! if only it sufficed
To tender Thee, who bore the cross,
A saved America for Christ.
Source: The Junior Hymnal, Containing Sunday School and Luther League Liturgy and Hymns for the Sunday School #198