1 On the cross of Calvary
Jesus shed His blood for me,
From the law to set me free,
Gave the great ransom none else could give.
Bought with a price not of silver nor gold,
Bought with a price of value untold;
Yes, ‘twas the blood of Jesus shed for me,
Purchased my redemption and made me free.
2 I was helpless and undone,
Hope of pardon had I none;
But the just and holy One
Gave the great ransom none else could give. [Chorus]
3 When my peace with God He made,
All my guilt on Him was laid;
He my debt has fully paid
With the great ransom none else could give. [Chorus]
4 I am His and His alone,
For He left His glorious throne,
And to make me all His own,
Gave the great ransom none else could give. [Chorus]
5 When I stand before my King,
Endless praises I will bring,
And thro’ years eternal sing
Of the great ransom none else could give. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School and Revival: with Y.M.C.A. supplement #191